Selasa, 04 November 2008

part 4 Elementary school Part II

part 4Elementary school Part II
when my elementary school is always claimed always reach for the best value by my parent. they are stringent also in educating me especially religion problem as well as discipline because they wish I am not impecunious of science as well as impecunious of liver. at time I still honest first class me very don't wish to go to school but because the educate stringent parent in process of time I thus motivated to go to school. my parent is very angry if they know me don't go to school, in a moment I do not want to go the school and my parent know i am direct made angry ,untill I is beated and pinched. that they do because they very love at me thank for educate my them always discipline in the case of other time discipline and or.
But most making of my parent very cross with my moment don't go reading Al-Quran,at that time I do not want to be ordered to go the to read Al-Quran with my reason am ill again but my parent is direct fulminate because ill me don't be hard so, direct me beated by continue I is dragged to read Al-Quran place although I struggle to get loose to free,if my parent religion problem of compromise do not want to because they wish so that his child don't fall to into immorality. untill in place a read Al-Quran i still weep and friends all seeing at me am ashamed very once, after my father explain to ustadz, by ustadz I is enabled by theX the don't a read Al-Quran because ill reason and my father is direct bring the me go home and advise me with wise although however his child me remain to which most love in at that moment before my brother born.
with education be like that me is always according to all comands of my parent although don't all my comands,hehe... and now I very put the respect and thirst for to devot to my parent to reciprocate all they services ,although truely I will never can reciprocate all the kindness they give at me. because of that, i try possibly I may not disappoint the both of them. especially my mother which have contained the me during nine months and take care me without worn-out.Thanks Mah,thanks Pah. I very love you..

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